India is a harmonic composition of a zillion layers. These layers create a diverse patterns of cultures, languages, religions, perspectives and stories. We at Bharat.Design study these overlaps and create efficient experiences which also align with the Indian culture & diversity.

We enjoyed designing for

All projects were executed by team at Wolffkraft

Our Services

  • We specialize in creating unique and captivating brand identities that resonate with your target audience, conveying your values and story through thoughtfully designed logos, color palettes, and visual elements.

  • Our design-centric business consulting leverages creativity and strategic insights to drive innovation, optimize operations, and elevate user experiences, propelling your business towards sustainable growth.

  • Our core design and UX services revolve around Strategy & Product Design. We understand that businesses in India have unique requirements, and our offerings are tailored to align with these needs. With a finger on the pulse of evolving trends, we ensure that our solutions are not only relevant but also visionary.

  • Our meticulous research dives into user behaviors, preferences, and cultural contexts, paving the way for design solutions that align perfectly with your audience's needs and aspirations.

  • Our web and app design development expertise merges creativity and technology to build immersive digital platforms that captivate users and drive your business forward.

  • Our strategic approach combines design thinking and business insights to help you shape products that not only meet user needs but also drive market differentiation and sustainable growth.

  • Our industrial and packaging design services merge creativity and functionality, transforming ideas into tangible products that resonate with users and stand out in the market.

  • Our service design approach combines creativity and strategy to craft seamless end-to-end experiences, ensuring every touchpoint reflects your brand's identity and creates lasting connections with your audience.


  • Rishab Koshy

    Managing Director, Veritas Logistics

    The team hand held us through this process of what our brand stands for. Also, kept us away from a thousand different ideas that don't make sense. They also have a very good ability to understand, comprehend, communicate and deliver.

  • Aakash Ganju

    CoFounder & CEO, SaathHealth

    The teams structured approach to defining user requirements and design sensibilities are a great combination to design user-centered products. We enjoyed working and would recommend their work to organizations building user-centered products.

  • Maneesh Bhandari

    Founder at Propeluss (Equirus Capital)

    Working since formative years of Propeluss, we were lucky to have the team lay down our design strategy and set a high bar for our team. They exceeded expectations by a competent team, innovative ideas, on time delivery.